This was a tricky one to solve! Tricky because the exception doesn't happen at the point of error - it happens down the line at the time you try to commit a transaction. This is one of those error messages you just need to know. Here is the top of the exception's stack trace. Almost all of the rest of the stack trace is inside hibernate and doesn't give you any kind of clue as to the cause. more »
Tag: "hibernate"
During Spring development I got this exception, but there was almost no reference to what caused it. So after a lot of searching I found out the cause and thought I'd blog it for others struggling with the same problem. more »
I have just spent the last 2 days looking for why my Spring container (under Tomcat) was getting ClassNotFoundException and NoClassDefFoundError during start up. There is so much mis-leading stuff in the Internet.
I had 2 projects in Eclipse: the cor… more »
Problem: Web traffic is coming through Tomcat to one of your servlets. Your servlet accesses a couple of hibernate objects but when it tries to load a lazy proxy you get:
Request processing failed;… more »
Surprisingly Hibernate 3 does not support UUID's. I think the main reason for this is that UUID is not yet an ANSI database type. Each database manufacturer has implemented it in a different way, stored it as a slightly different type and has a driver (o… more »