I wrote FileSuka about 4 years ago. Unfortunately, it was never picked up as much as I would have liked but it has been consistently downloaded between 1-10 times every month since then. I think there were 2 main problems with it. For me Suka was short… more »
Category: "My Software"
The Radio Times has recently updated their web site and while it looks good and has a couple of nice new features there's one thing I really hate about it.
If you asked the old version of the site to show what's on telly now, the listings start from… more »
NRA Open Day 5 May 2012 Ticket sales more »
I've been using Mantis for a couple of years. I run a small company and so have to be extremely flexible. As a result I need to tweak the database to do tasks that are not available using the Mantis front end.
The trouble with editing the bugs and bu… more »