MantisBT Database Tweaker
I've been using MantisBT for a couple of years. I run a small company and so have to be extremely flexible. As a result I need to tweak the database to do tasks that are not available using the Mantis front end.
The trouble with editing the bugs and bugnotes is that for each change you make an email notification gets sent to all the people "interested" in the bug. But if I'm correcting spelling mistakes or updating forgotten time tracking information then I don't want them to be bombarded with emails. They barely read the normal ones!
In order to help with tweaking the MantisBT database I've written an interactive Python application.
The trouble with editing the database is that once you've done it, it's not easy to un-do-it. The *MantisBT Database Tweaker* asks you if you're sure with a helpful message. If you say yes then the SQL command will be applied to the database. *MantisBT Database Tweaker* will also write out the SQL to put the data back into the database.
Quite often my customers will send me an email because they don't have access to the Mantis server, so I have to cut and paste their text into a bugnote and then change the owner of the bugnote so that it doesn't look like it came from me!
For information on source, installation and downloading this plugin then go to MantisBT - Database Tweaker.
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