I wanted to deny the use of MDM to everyone who wasn't admin. I was expecting to be able to set up a deny rule then allow access to it for some users but it doesn't seem to work like this. The basic principle is deny everything then allow you to create… more »
Tag: "yii2"
Recently had a problem with Yii2's migrate when trying to connect to a local database. I added the settings from common and Hey Presto! everything works. more »
I develop under Windows when I'm and home and in the office but when I'm at out and about I develop on my Mac Book Pro. While both run XAMPP, I recently came across a difference between the Windows and Mac versions while I was using Yii2 Framework (but… more »
The way to reference the default controller and the default action on that controller has changed. Essentially the defaultController in Yii might not be a controller, so it is now referred to as a route (i.e. defaultRoute) and the default Action on a… more »
The Yii Framework has had a new major release and while the API documentation for the new version 2 is a lot better, there doesn't seem to be an easy way to find out what the new way of doing something is. I'm setting this article up as blogglue in… more »