I tried to set up email forwarding on Plesk server but for some reason the mail was going into the inbox and not being forwarded. more »
Category: "Plesk"
During the Plesk 10.4 update the installer tries to "clean up" your platform. "Clean up" is Plesk code for "Break". The update deletes everything in /var/cache. While this area is reserved for caching, most of the applications that use it don't expect t… more »
Another great shout out to the boys at Plesk. Installing patch 10.4.4 turned my box into an open relay that allowed spammers to use my host to send junk email.
I started to see the following appear in the process list. We were also finding that email… more »
Plesk has a comprehensive web interface but every now and again you just want to get at the nuts and bolts or you have loads to do.
This article shows us how to create a database, add a user and set up their permissions. I've always found MySQL's per… more »
I have so many blog articles relating to updating Parallels' Plesk that I'm creating this one to join them all together. I'll keep it up-to-date as I add them.
Upgrading from Plesk 8.2 to 8.3
Plesk Awstat forgets the monthly statistics
Upgrad… more »