Newer versions of ActiveMQ have support for XML name space schema declarations to allow easier configuration of container beans. Adding the following XMLNS declaration to the beans container will allow you to use ActiveMQ’s amq name space.… more »
Tag: "xml"
Been trying to get rid of this error message in my Spring container for a while and I have finally built up enough periphery knowledge to figure out the solution myself, so I thought I’d share it with you - I’m nice like that!
The offending… more »
I’ve been doing a lot of work recently with the SpringFramework. It helps with all aspects of building a large scale application by, among other things, providing a generic exception hierarchy which is used by all the component modules. The upshot… more »
XSLT stands for eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformation. It is a language for translating XML documents into other XML documents. “What’s the point of that?", I hear you ask. Almost all computer systems need to exchange information.… more »