Recently had a problem with Yii2's migrate when trying to connect to a local database. I added the settings from common and Hey Presto! everything works. more »
Category: "Yii Framework"
I develop under Windows when I'm and home and in the office but when I'm at out and about I develop on my Mac Book Pro. While both run XAMPP, I recently came across a difference between the Windows and Mac versions while I was using Yii2 Framework (but… more »
The way to reference the default controller and the default action on that controller has changed. Essentially the defaultController in Yii might not be a controller, so it is now referred to as a route (i.e. defaultRoute) and the default Action on a… more »
The Yii Framework has had a new major release and while the API documentation for the new version 2 is a lot better, there doesn't seem to be an easy way to find out what the new way of doing something is. I'm setting this article up as blogglue in… more »
This requires 2 parts. Firstly change the php.ini to include the xdebug sections. All the relevant information can be found in the article Setting up XDebug under XAMPP. Second create an Eclipse run configuration to connect to the remote server which is… more »