Practical example of FileSuka
I wrote FileSuka about 4 years ago. Unfortunately, it was never picked up as much as I would have liked but it has been consistently downloaded between 1-10 times every month since then. I think there were 2 main problems with it. For me Suka was short for Sucker: FileSuka sucks down files. I didn't realise it at the time of naming the project that Suka is Russian for slut. As this is a rude word in some jurisdictions the project never really got as much traffic. Secondly, I think it takes a little bit of effort to visualise a situation where using FileSuka would help.
There's not much I can do about the name (at the moment) but I can provide a real world example of how to use the application.
Let's imagine you want to download the font awesome fonts and save them all locally. Part of the problem is that the base file name is the same for files of different colours or sizes. FileSuka can help with this with one of its expressions.
The font awesome files may be downloaded using the following URL but there are hundreds of combinations. I could write a shell script to generate the URL spec and for ages that's what I did, but I needed a solution that was more reusable.
Generate icons{l,3,chevron-down,chevron-left,chevron-right,chevron-up,home}&size={n,2,8,18,1}&color=HASH{l,1,000000,ffffff}
Download icons{l,3,chevron-down,chevron-left,chevron-right,chevron-up,home}_{l,1,000000,ffffff}_{n,2,8,18,1}.png
In the example above I use 3 looper sequencers: a list of names, a list of colours and a list of file names. Each list has a place holder number that is populated and made available. These place holders can be used to make a local path or file spec.
For example setting the save folder to c:\tmp\filesuka\{1}\{3}
gives the following. The actual file name is the same as the remote name but you can build up the directory path and file name with place holder values.
You can place the {looper_id}
labels anywhere and FileSuka will download the requested files and save it to the generated local file spec creating intermediate folders along the way.
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