Been trying to get rid of this error message in my Spring container for a while and I have finally built up enough periphery knowledge to figure out the solution myself, so I thought I’d share it with you - I’m nice like that!
The offending… more »
Archives for: "November 2008"
I am officially a SnowHead now. I went on my first Skiing trip with them to Xscape, in Milton Keynes which is an indoor real snow dome.
SnowHeads is an internet club of skiers who meet up and go skiing together. SnowHeads organises events in th… more »
I’ve been doing a lot of work recently with the SpringFramework. It helps with all aspects of building a large scale application by, among other things, providing a generic exception hierarchy which is used by all the component modules. The upshot… more »
Finding the differences between files under DOS is a pain, because DOS does not provide any tools to help manipulate files or streams of files.
When I have source trees I need to compare I use the unix power tool diff. Sometimes (because of various ed… more »
Surprisingly Hibernate 3 does not support UUID's. I think the main reason for this is that UUID is not yet an ANSI database type. Each database manufacturer has implemented it in a different way, stored it as a slightly different type and has a driver (o… more »