White is such a strong colour to spend all day staring at. The default background for a Window’s desktop is system white. Almost all applications use the system background for their background - I suppose that’s what it’s for!
I… more »
Archives for: "November 2007"
In September 2007 I went to Southport Air Show. The highlight, apart from the Red Arrows, was the EuroFlighter Typhoon.
I took a couple of videos on my Nokia N95 (In my option, a vastly superior phone to the gimmicky Apple iPhone which doesn't even ha… more »
Ever been asked to enter your postcode to register on a web site and not wanted to give it? I have. Sites like YouTube require a postcode, but what for? Presumably to do some sort of statistical analysis but who knows?
When faced with this I always… more »
The problem is that Windows protects many of its utility files located under the c:\windows or c:\winnt directory. Each time you overwrite one it gets deleted and replaced with a protected version under Windows control. So how do we get around it? Rest… more »
I have been looking for Firefox plugins which will allow me to launch plain text urls which don’t have web hyperlinks and thought I would share my discoveries with you.
I suppose I should have read the Firefox manual before setting out on my… more »