Firefox Plain Text Urls
Posted by davidnewcomb on 17 Nov 2007 in Techie
I have been looking for Firefox plugins which will allow me to launch plain text urls which don’t have web hyperlinks and thought I would share my discoveries with you.
I suppose I should have read the Firefox manual before setting out on my search, but you know how that goes. Looks like Adam Pash did, because he wrote about some of Firefox’s built in features - or maybe he just read it from someone else’s blog! I don’t think anyone reads manuals any more. If its not in a FAQ then no one seams to know about it. Anyway, I digress. In Firefox, you can select text and drag it to the address bar. If the string starts with a protocol (e.g. http) then it will automagically direct the browser’s current tab to go there. This also works with the Google search bar; dragging text to the google box automagically does a search. Neat. I found this feature pretty good but I wanted to launch it in a different tab. Often I am reading a (possibly text) document, which I would like to continue reading and come across an unlinked link. And thus my search starts.
I found Jeff Chien’s Fetch Text URL which is a nice little Firefox plugin which spots you have highlighted some text and offers you 3 options. “Fetch url in current tab", “Fetch url in new tab” and “Fetch url in new window". Each one of these is turn off and onable, and it works pretty well.
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