You have just finished Installing a Quantel ISA Manager with DummyServers for test development and now we are going to look at launching the ISA Manager and recording a test clip.
Running the ISA System is really simple now:
- Navigate to
. - Double click
. - This will launch the ISA Manager. The window is titled Quentin Manager: Execute mode. In the centre of the window you will see a list of pools: Pool 11, Pool 12 and Pool 13. They all appear in red which indicates they are currently down.
- Back to Explorer and change directory to
. Double clickDummyZone1.bat
. - A window titled Dummy Zone 1 will appear. It contains 3 Dummy Servers called Dummy 1100, Dummy 1200 and Dummy 1300 which hold pools 11, 12 and 13 respectively.
- Switch back the the Quentin Manager and you will see that all the pools are now listed in blue which indicates that they are available.
Now that all the servers are up we can launch the controller to ...erm control the system! Now let's do a record. Make sure the Dummy Zone is visible on your desktop. As we use the controller we'll be able to see the effects in real time.
- Navigate back to
. - Double click
. - Choose the System tab.
- Select Dummy 1100 and then double click Channel S1100C0 (Server 1100, channel 0).
- Click Record. The server record panel will open in the controller and the first port on Dummy 1100 will switch from colour bars to a dummy feed.
- Click the button next to Initial Frames, it should have a number on it. Enter the number of frames you would like to record. To help with the sums, if you set the system up as PAL it'll be 25 frames per second and if you set it up as NTSC it'll be 30 frames a second. Then click ok.
- Click Initial Frames to acquire the space and set up the record.
- When you are ready click Start. You will see the pattern change for each frame. The view port in the controller will match the port on the Dummy Server.
- In the Save Data section of the controller enter a title and click save. You have just recorded and saved a clip.
- We can make another smaller clip from the same rush. Hover the mouse pointer over the gap between frame 6 and frame 7 and double click. The green In point will be set. Move the slider to the other end and do the same between frames 83 and 84. This time a red Out point will be set. Add a new title and click save again.
- One of the cool things about the Quantel system is that you can create as many sub clips as you like and it won't take up any more space on your server!
- Click the Release button in the server control panel at the top of the controller window, to make the port available to the system again.
- Click the Zone Dummy 1000 (local) tab.
- Click Search and you will see your new clips.
- You can select any of the entries in the search results with the usual click/control+click/shift+click to select more than one and then click Delete at the bottom of the controller window.
Congratulations you have successfully recorded a clip, searched for that clip and deleted it.