The way to reference the default controller and the default action on that controller has changed. Essentially the defaultController in Yii might not be a controller, so it is now referred to as a route (i.e. defaultRoute) and the default Action on a… more »
Archives for: "January 2015"
The Yii Framework has had a new major release and while the API documentation for the new version 2 is a lot better, there doesn't seem to be an easy way to find out what the new way of doing something is. I'm setting this article up as blogglue in… more »
When people ask "What kind of films do they play at a FrightFest?" I usually have to say something along the lines of "Well it's a mixture of Found Footage, Zombie, Horror, Apocalyptic, some Science Fiction and anything containing ultra violence". There… more »
Thursday 27 February 2015
21:0022:521h 52mEliza Graves
Friday 28 February 2015
13:3015:021h 32mThe Atticus Institute
16:0017:221h 22mThe Hoarder
17:30*17:35*5mThe Paper Round
18:3020:081h 38mWyrmwood
21:0022:221h 28m88
23:1500:451h 30mExeter… more »
I'm adding the listing here for completeness and partly because the Fright Festival doesn't list them any more. Saturday 7th March 2009 12:00 Embodiment of Evil 14:00 Shuttle 16:00 Repo! The Genetic Opera 19:00 Listed as "surprise film". Comment if you… more »