I’ve been learning how to use Microsoft’s Web Application Projects in C-Sharp. I started with the MSDN documentation and in spite of being familiar with all the web concepts I found Microsoft’s documentation confusing. The code examples that were listed appeared to be incomplete snippets. I had searched the internet looking for tutorials but couldn’t find anything.
After altering my search a bit, I found a tutorial which was all based on Visual Studio 2003 & 2005. The instructions are just the same for Visual Studio 2010.
I found a set of 6 tutorials which takes you from creating a web page with a simple calender on it through to data binding and on to user control libraries. Each tutorial contains step-by-step instructions with plenty of screen shots.
If you want to learn then this is an excellent and surprisingly simple starting point.
Thanks a lot for sharing the link and info on this great website.
This is exactly what I was looking for!!
Keep up the good work!