Plot multiple locations on Google Maps
Comment from: Mike Scirocco [Visitor]

I created a JQuery Plugin that will allow a developer to plot multiple addresses on a Google Map via JSON
Comment from: davidnewcomb [Member]

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Comment from: cccredit1 [Visitor]

Comment from: davidnewcomb [Member]

Comment from: Jarek [Visitor]

I find very easy and quick to use.
However, you need Latitude and longitude if you want to display your data. The other alternative is to use fusion tables

A great solution for doing this without entering each address is to take the list of addresses and use to plot all the listings.
Comment from: S Paravate [Visitor]

I found this awesome solution multiple locations, php, mysql, custom marker, fullscreen option, NO google API key needed. Take a look

Good info on maps plot.
thank u
Comment from: logistics app debugging tool [Visitor]

logistics app debugging tool - This tool allows you visualize/plot multiple points (lat, long)/(latitude, longitude) on the map. It also allows you to specify a shape (circle/square/marker), a color and a comment for each of the points. Only lat, long for each line is mandatory. Providing color, shape and comment is optional.
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Very nice job on the map!
I wrote the php to collect all of the external links on my site and resolve them to locations, then I pasted these into your map, very cool seeing their positions on the globe.
Thank You! Mike