I just wanted to install
WordPress with the minimum of fuzz. So is the 1 minute cut and paste guide to installing
WordPress under
First we need to create a database to hold the
WordPress articles.
- Login to your Plesk server as root.
- Move to the MySQL database folder:
cd /var/lib/mysql
- Create a folder to create the database:
mkdir example_com_wordpress
- Change the permissions so that MySQL likes it:
chown mysql:mysql example_com_wordpress
chmod 700 example_com_wordpress
Next we need to install and configure the software.
- Go to the WordPress Download page and download the software.
wget http://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz
- Unpacked the downloaded file under document root at
tar -xvzf latest.tar.gz
mv wordpress blog
cd blog
- Change the permissions of the unpacked files to that of the rest of your files.
- Copy the sample configuration file in.
cp -p wp-config.sample.php wp-config.php
- Edit the configuration files and change the database access details.
- Next you need some encryption keys. WordPress have kindly provided a facility that generates the keys for you. Load up https://api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1/ and cut and paste the the generated PHP code into the configuration file overwriting the lines already there. The original lines look pretty random already but they must be changed otherwise the baddies will be able to easily break your encryption.
WordPress has the facility that allows you to house the database files in an existing database by prefixing all the database tables with a unique erm.. prefix! Simply change the
Extra help can be found on the
WordPress web page.