Plesk 8 uses
Mailman to manage mail lists. The default Plesk configuration allows you to create a mail lists and add users to it, but it doesn’t switch it on!
So here is what you do…
- Log in to your Plesk server via ssh
- Check the status of mailman, to see if it’s running:
/etc/init.d/mailman status
- If it is running, you can go to the configure your list section below.
- If not, you will have to set the system to start it up.
- Change to the boot start up directory:
cd /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/
- and check that it is set up to start it up on boot. Check that it is not already set up:
ls -l | grep mailman
- Start up scripts start with an ‘S’ and shutdown scripts start with a ‘K’. If there isn’t one to start up mailman you must create one:
ln -s ../init.d/mailman S98mailman
- You can alter that 98 number to change the start up order.
- Next we need to start up the service:
/etc/init.d/mailman start
- You can check to make sure it is running with the status mailman command:
/etc/init.d/mailman status
- If it is running you can go to the configure your list
- If not - you are on your own! Sorry…!
- Now you can go into your Plesk admin pages, and start creating mail lists
I have almost finished the plesk mailman cheat sheet blog so I’ll post that when it’s ready.