The Apache Tomcat instructions on this are here but they are both worse than useless and totally acurate.
It starts we the sentence:
This section of the documentation applies to procrun 1.0, and is now obsolete
Great! Now what. There is no link to the… more »
Archives for: "February 2009"
Seems like an obvious one, but I keep forgetting where the OutLook Express executable is. So as this is the brain extension, I’ll add it here for all time.
c:\program files\outlook express\msimn.exe
Once you have loaded it in, you can switch on… more »
An interesting illusion with a checker board. Are those lines parallel?
The second one is a bit rude: more »
Newer versions of ActiveMQ have support for XML name space schema declarations to allow easier configuration of container beans. Adding the following XMLNS declaration to the beans container will allow you to use ActiveMQ’s amq name space.… more »