Finding files that have not been added to ClearCase

Comment from: Craig Kopinski [Visitor]

This is stupid. In no world is clearcase the best source control tool. It is obviously the worst. You can’t use it over VPN, you can’t delete and re-add files, delivering activities separate from one another can be impossible at times, there’s no use of tags, you need an entire admin team to manage it, etc……. I can’t think of a SINGLE REASON that it is better than a subversion or git.
I refuse to accept your premise and lose all respect for you. Good day.
Comment from: davidnewcomb [Member]

Comment from: John Park [Visitor]

Comment from: davidnewcomb [Member]

Comment from: David Oldcomb [Visitor]

Comment from: davidnewcomb [Member]

Comment from: An [Visitor]

I happened to stumble on here when trying to remember how to query for hidden files, and I happened to take a look at the comments.
The first comment: great! An actually beneficial and useful comment that is worth posting on a site like this.
Craig’s comment is an absolute waste of time and was laughably referred to as constructive criticism. I’m hoping Craig was just having a bad day. If not, I certainly hope Craig is not responsible for architecting software and managing teams.
I’m certainly not a die-hard lover of Clearcase and would opt to use git whenever possible, but people that bash Clearcase without recognizing some of the feature benefits it has over other tools like git, have clearly not used Clearcase enough to provide reputable critiques of the tool. To throw additional salt in the wound, in case you decide to post dumb ass comments on other blogs in the future, the following is a good template to follow for people to give a shit what you have to say: “Although the tool ____ provides the following features: ____, ____, & ____, the tool ____ does a better job at ____. Although the following are tradeoffs with using ____, under the conditions _____, it is more suitable.”
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