I've recently become a member of LinkLift and they asked me to add a bit of PHP to my blog in order to plug into their system. LinkLift have a plugin for WordPress and a whole host of other blogs, but not one for B2evolution.
There is a FreeHTML plugi… more »
Archives for: "August 2008"
Occasionally you find an application that can only run in an X windows environment, which is a problem if your computer has a Windows installation on it. The best X Server you can get is Hummingbird’s Exceed but it is a bit pricey. There is an… more »
The Plesk interface is pretty good for creating email addresses and configuring email options for those addresses. There is one thing that it still can't do which I really need. I want the ability to create an email address that is virtual. That is, a va… more »
There never seems to be enough documentation on how to create Spring Framework enabled projects in Eclipse. Spring is widely used for web applications so you need to know how to integrate Tomcat and Eclipse as well - so there is even less documentation!… more »
Occasionally, (under Unix) I want to delete all the files in a directory, but when I issue the rm -rf * command it gives me the error:
-bash: /bin/rm: Argument list too long
This happens because the star is interpreted by the shell as:
rm -rf… more »