When you are writing batch scripts (programs that run in the background without user intervention) you often need to copy a file on to a remote machine. If you are not already connected to the machine you will get this message when you try to initiate… more »
Category: "Techie"
The current version of Plesk 9.3 uses Horde 3.1.7/Imp 4.1.6 which is a little on the old side, but I’m pretty sure this change hasn’t made its way into the new version either.
One of the features of the current mailbox page is that when you… more »
I’ve been using SpringSource Spring Tool Suite (STS) for a while now. It’s pretty good. One of the problems with Eclipse is maintaining all the dependencies for web development and thankfully the chaps at SpringSource take care of all that… more »
Under Vista 7-Zip’s context menu extensions don’t work, everything else about 7-Zip works as normal.
There seems to be something funny about the i368 version of 7-Zip when running under Windows Vista.
To make the context menus work:… more »
A customer of mine had their own root server with 1and1. I got a call to investigate why none of their websites were working. After a bit of investigation, I realised I was looking at a half re-installed machine.
It turned out that there had been a… more »