Another thing that happens when you tell people you’re in I.T. is repairing their computer. Most people haven’t realised that computers are disposable consumer electronics. Wasteful though this is, if your computer breaks after 5 years then… more »
Category: "Techie"
It’s one of those fiddly things to recursively check-in an entire directory structure under Clearcase, and each time I do it I have to remember how. So I’m putting it into my long term memory here!
Move to the parent directory of the… more »
I haven't even got my own copy of Windows 7 yet. The I.T. department is rolling it out across the company and already my colleagues are complaining about its idiosyncrasies. Phrases like "What the hell is that green bar doing again?", "it keeps doing a d… more »
With all projects we must create an area to place our sources so that we both have a frame of reference.
mkdir c:\python-modules
Next we must download the sources we need. First up is Python itself. Navigate to: Download… more »
A while ago I wrote a blog article about Searching file contents under Windows XP. I was wondering why my searches of Visual Studio Project files with the extensions .vsproj, .vsprops and .sln files were coming back with no results. I read my previous… more »