Occasionally you may find that a nasty virus changed your desktop and removed your ability to run regedit.exe.
There are several ways to re-enable it which depend on your operating system and set up.
Start -> Run -> gpedit.msc -> User Configuration… more »
Tag: "support"
Windows support the Network Time Protocol (NTP).
This article gives you the steps you must take in order to make your client pickup the time from the network and set your local clock.
net time /setsntp:myhostname
net stop w32time
net start w32time… more »
Vi is one of the most powerful text editors, but it really separates the men from the boys. GUI’s are highly over rated - all you want is a big black page. Apart from some clear context colouring what more do you need to write code?
One of… more »
Following the success of my Eclipse 3.5 - Galileo - New and Noteworthy blog posting, I’ve decided to do the same for Eclipse 3.6 - Helios.
I will update this page when the New and Noteworthy pages become available.
Eclipse 3.6 M1 - New and… more »
In order to have an effective build environment we must check-in all the resources needed to build the project from scratch; this includes support libraries and support applications. For example one of my projects arrives as an installable deliverable,… more »