1&1's documentation is pretty awful but to be fair they only expect real system administrators to be using their dedicated servers. They give you a copy of Plesk 10 but it doesn't have any capabilities to alter the disk or volume group layouts. 1&1 layout their default image in a way that only gives you 4GB on each of the major partitions and it leaves the other 212GB as unallocated. So in order to use the server properly you have to get interested in the Logical Volume Manager. more »
Category: "System Admin"
I had a problem with Funambol's administration tool where the same version worked at home, but not at work. When I tried to login at work it said "Host not found or not reachable, please verify connection parameter". I verified the host was found, the ro… more »
Broadband suppliers don't go out of their way to advising the fact they have problems. So if you are ever looking for their service page to tell you why you can't see anything in Germany, then look no further.This list I hope will turn into the defin… more »
When moving from Ensim to Plesk I noticed that all my PHP programs stopped working. Every relative pathed file I had added to a require() statement errorred with the message:
open_basedir restriction in effect
I added the current directory ('.') to… more »