I suddenly started getting a very strange error message in my B2Evolution installation after restarting the web server. The error message read:
Bad Request!
The parameters of your request are invalid.
If you have obtained this error by clicking on a… more »
Category: "B2Evolution"
I recently had a very strange problem with my B2evolution installation. Some of my posts had gone missing! When I say missing I mean half missing! You could search for the articles and they would appear in the list of search results. You could also find… more »
B2evolution has a really good user interface for managing and updating your blogs, but when it comes to doing bulk changes it falls down a little. That said, none of the blogging applications allow you to do the kinds of operations that only SQL can… more »
I've recently become a member of LinkLift and they asked me to add a bit of PHP to my blog in order to plug into their system. LinkLift have a plugin for WordPress and a whole host of other blogs, but not one for B2evolution.
There is a FreeHTML plugi… more »