Over the last year I've noticed a general decline in my Windows 10 experience. It just seems to get worse and worse. I noticed it first when it constantly ignored its settings and installed all manner of crap in the background and rebooted when ever it felt like; usually when I had just spend 2 hours setting up 3 virtual servers blar blar.
I've also noticed that my hardware suddenly seems to work or not work. Currently my external USB devices seem to randomly work depending on which socket they are plugged into!
I was thinking, only yesterday that I was tired of all the "that's because's" you have to know in order to keep a windows installation going. Maybe I've become spoiled by the MacBook Pro I bought a few years ago that I've become jaded but I've always had a horses for courses attitude to these things so I don't think it's that.
Earlier in the week, Virgin Media decided to switch off my internet connection for 30 minutes without warning which took out the router, which in turn took out the house network which in turn took out the network cards in my PC which threw Windows 10 into a total tail spin. It then refused to reconnect to the house network, I just could not get the wireless network card to work. It took about 4 reboots and about 3 hours to get it to work again. So all the time I had set aside to work on other things was totally wasted by trying to persuade Windows 10 to do that thing it was perfectly happy doing last week.
I'm an experienced man in these matters and so it can't be a coincidence. So a quick search on Google and top of this list was this very interesting article that rang a lot of bells: Why Windows 10 Sucks.
If you have the time, it is well worth a read. Some sections are technical but if you are not technically minded you can skip over those sections as there is plenty of meat around their attitude toward civil liberties and stance on privacy.
The idea that the operating system was a moving target went a long way to account for the general instabilities. I particularly like the fact that Windows 10 turns your PC into a torrent server to share windows 10 dates to other people while you are not looking! Or that it can read and send your files, most of all for me it dictates which hardware it supports removing drivers whenever it feels like, not to mention all the adverts that I now have to pay to remove.
Well I have had enough, life is too short. I used Ubuntu on the desktop while I worked with Nominet and that was pretty good, nice and quick too! It's downloading at the moment, so I'll let you know how it goes.
Ironically, I can't get my external USB drive working in order to do the backup before reinstalling :(