Upgrading Plesk 8.3.0 to 8.4.0 to 8.6.0
Posted by davidnewcomb on 09 Sep 2008 in Plesk
I thought about upgrading my plesk box a while ago, but I heard that version 8.4.0 had a load of problems. I waited for the dust to settle and decided that there were too many things it broke, so I thought I’ll give this one a miss. Forgot about it for a while. Recently I found out they had addressed the issues and released versions 8.4.0 and 8.6.0.
I installed them one after another without checking whether everything was successful. I figured that if there were still bits in 8.4.0 that broke the system then they would be fixed in 8.6.0.
I left things to settle down. It seemed ok…
Woke up in the morning and checked my mail - great 550 spam emails! I knew my spam filter knew they were spam and would have spotted them. So either the spam filter has forgotten your Bayes settings or its not running. How do you tell?
Login as
and issue the following command. This will look at the processes running and filter only the ones with the spam filter daemon.
ps -eaf | grep spamdIf you see something like:
popuser 18404 30558 0 18:40 ? 00:00:12 spamd child popuser 19352 30558 0 18:44 ? 00:00:20 spamd child popuser 22247 30558 0 19:05 ? 00:00:08 spamd childthen your spam filter is running. It just looks like your system has forgotten the current Bayes setting - it will mean you will have to retrain your spam filter. If you don’t see the spamd processes then you will have to restart it:
/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/spamd –startThe only other glitch I have come across after 2 weeks of successful operation is related to forwarding email to other mailboxes that are not keeping copies of the mail. That is mail that was sent via the Forwarding Plesk mail from a virtual email address to multiple recipients method, forgot all the forwarding email addresses. This only effected accounts with more than one forwarding email address. All the forward email addresses are removed. Normal email addresses that forward to only one address are fine. I suspect that because the plesk front end does not accept more than one forwarding email address for this field it revalidated its configuration after the upgrades which cleaned them out… but I’m not sure.
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