Upgrading from Plesk 8.2 to 8.3
Posted by davidnewcomb on 02 Jan 2008 in Plesk
Just upgraded the server software from Plesk 8.2 to Plesk 8.3. The upgrade installed over a new version of Horde which over wrote all my changes made in Training SpamAssassin, Horde, IMAP, Plesk user configuration, so I just added them back in. Reminder to self, I must tell the Horde team about the changes, so I don’t have to keep changing it on each update!
After the upgrade, the installer stopped SpamAssassin and the POP3 service, so I had to start them by hand. As a Unix bod I loath having to reboot a machine after an upgrade, but felt that in this case (because 2 of the services weren’t quite right) I’d better bounce the machine just to make sure it came up properly before the little darlings get to work on Monday and find that everything has stopped working!
Some time later, I discovered that the awstat program which calculates the web logs has a problem. It analyses the log every day, building up a picture of what has been going on. The problem is that you can no longer compare previous month’s results. The Monthly History section spans a year but only shows the current month’s information. I am working on a solution which, I’ll blog when I work out what it is!
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