I have written to Virgin Media at least three times to try and get a JSON list of channel numbers and names. The first person had no idea what I was talking about and said they'd pass it along, which is tele-code for put the request in the bin. The second person insisted that the only thing they had was their PDF channel guide, which is compressed so you can't find what you are looking for in text searches. It was about 2 hours work to convert the PDF into something I could use.
After Virgin Anytime (or whatever they are calling it now) was released I checked to see if there were any publicly available API's I could use. It seemed a bit pointless to contact them directly. Their current API is tuned (I hope) for their TV guide and I couldn't find any API's which had channel number and channel name in the same file.
I'm here again and there is still no API, and they have changed the format of their PDF so I get to throw away all the converting tools I wrote last time. This time however I discovered that someone have put the list on Wikipedia. It's all obviously in HTML so more tools needed, but at least the tools are simpler!
I can't let Virgin Media stand in the way of progress so I'm publishing the Virgin Media Channel Guide in JSON here. The format is pretty straight forward.
{"num":100, "name":"Virgin Media Previews"},
I'd never used AngularJS (version 1) before so I wrote the filter using it!
{{channels.length}} channels on {{thedate}}
Channel name filter:
HD Only:
Search: {{query.name}} HD? {{query.hd}}
- {{channel.num}} - {{channel.name}}
{{filtered.length}} entries found
Data format version: {{version}}